TUC digital

Discover, define, develop: A model for designing for change in unions

Last year, we launched a new module in the TUC’s leadership development programme, Leading Change. It expands our long running course to also look at how digital can support (and challenge)…

TUC digital

Unions and digital disruptors

In recent years, new digital start-ups have changed the faces of whole industries. New entrants have risen to dominance in their sectors and previously major players have collapsed. The pace of…

TUC digital

Online joining in unions – current and best practice

In 2021, people expect good quality digital interactions with all companies and organisations. Unions are no exceptions – prospective members will expect to be able to easily and immediately…

TUC digital

Producing union digital conferences

As Covid-19 stopped mass gatherings in person this year, many unions had to make a choice whether to cancel their big conference events or to quickly rework long-running formats for a digital medium….

TUC digital

Improving your video call presence – a how to guide

Since the lockdown, video conferencing has become second nature for our team meetings and one to one calls. And more of us are giving presentations online…

TUC digital

Delivering for “different” in 2021

This year’s been longer than usual and mostly awful, but it’s given us all some time to think.  One of the things we’ve been reflecting on is the immediate future of work, whether the “new…

TUC digital

Congress 2020: Our first online Congress

This has been the first year that Congress couldn’t take place in its usual physical format. We have learned a lot as part of taking as much as we could of our flagship event into a new online…

TUC digital

Recruiting hard-to-engage workers on digital during Covid-19

TUC Digital Lab case study with BFAWU Coronavirus is changing how people work and how unions organise. Face to face contact in every sector is being reduced due to social distancing measures, more…

TUC digital

Benchmarking our digital organising

How we adapt union organising to fit a digital-first world is a critical question for unions. Even before the pandemic we were seeing increasing organising challenges from fragmented workplaces and…

TUC digital

4 things we learned from running Organise 2020

The TUC hosted our first major online digital event, Organise 2020, on 9-11 July. It had originally been conceived as an offline organising summit for several hundred organisers and reps at Congress…